内野研究室 早稲田大学理工学術院 基幹理工学部 電子物理システム学科




  1. Y. Sekino, Y. Ominato, H. Tajima, S. Uchino, M. Matsuo
    Thermomagnetic anomalies by magnonic criticality in ultracold atomic transport
    Physical Review Letters 133, 163402 (2024).


  1. A.-M. Visuri, J. Mohan, S. Uchino, M.-Z. Huang, T. Esslinger, T. Giamarchi
    DC transport in a dissipative superconducting point contact
    Physical Review Research 5, 033095 (2023).
  2. M.-Z. Huang, J. Mohan, A.-M. Visuri, P. Fabritius, M. Talebi, S. Wili, S. Uchino, T. Giamarchi, T. Esslinger
    Superfluid signatures in a dissipative quantum point contact
    Physical Review Letters 130, 200404 (2023).
  3. T. Zhang, H. Tajima, Y. Sekino, S. Uchino, H. Liang
    Dominant Andreev reflection through nonlinear radio-frequency transport
    Communications Physics 6, 86 (2023).
  4. Y. Sekino, H. Tajima, S. Uchino
    Spin conductivity spectrum and spin superfluidity in a binary Bose mixture
    Physical Review Research 5, 023058 (2023).


  1. S. Uchino
    Comparative study for two-terminal transport through a lossy one-dimensional wire
    Physical Review A 106, 053320 (2022).
  2. Y. Sekin, H. Tajima, S. Uchino
    Optical spin conductivity in ultracold quantum gases
    Physical Review Research 4, 043014 (2022).
  3. V. Helson, T.Zwettler, K. Roux, H. Konishi, S. Uchino, J.-P. Brantut
    Optomechanical response of a strongly interacting Fermi gas
    Physical Review Research 4, 133199 (2022).
  4. S. Uchino
    Asymmetry and nonlinearity of current-bias characteristics in superfluid-normal state junctions of weakly-interacting Bose gases
    Physical Review A Letters 106, L011303 (2022).
  5. H. Tajima, Y. Sekino, S. Uchino
    Optical spin transport theory of spin-1/2 topological Fermi superfluids
    Physical Review B 105, 064508 (2022).


  1. K. Ono, T. Higomoto, Y. Saito, S. Uchino, Y. Nishida, Y. Takahashi
    Observation of spin-space quantum transport induced by an atomic quantum point contact
    Nature Communications 12, 6724 (2021).
  2. S. Uchino
    Tunneling Hamiltonian analysis of DC Josephson currents in a weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate
    Physical Review Research 3, 043058 (2021).


  1. S. Nakada, S. Uchino, Y. Nishida
    Simulating quantum transport with ultracold quantum atoms and interaction effects
    Physical Review A Rapid Communication 102, 031302 (2020).
  2. S. Uchino
    Role of Nambu-Goldstone modes in the fermionic superfluid point contact
    Physical Review Research 2, 023340 (2020).
  3. S. Uchino, J.-P. Brantut
    Bosonic superfluid transport in a quantum point contact
    Physical Review Research 2, 023284 (2020).
  4. Y. Sekino, H. Tajima, S. Uchino
    Mesoscopic spin transport between strongly interacting Fermi gases
    Physical Review Research 2, 023152 (2020).


  1. K. Fujimoto, S. Uchino
    Floquet spinor Bose gases
    Physical Review Research 1, 033132 (2019).
  2. H. Tajima, S. Uchino
    Thermal crossover, transition, and coexistence in Fermi polaronic spectroscopies
    Physical Review A 99, 063606 (2019).


  1. S. Uchino, M. Ueda, J.-P. Brantut
    Universal noise of continuous transport measurements of interacting fermions
    Physical Review A 98, 063619 (2018).
  2. H. Tajima, S. Uchino
    Many-Fermi polarons at nonzero temperature
    New Journal of Physics 20, 073048 (2018).


  1. S. Uchino, M. Ueda
    Anomalous transport in the superfluid fluctuation regime
    Physical Review Letters 118, 105303 (2017).
  2. K. Kamikado, T. Kanazawa, S. Uchino
    Mobile impurity in a Fermi sea from the functional renormalization group analytically continued to real time
    Physical Review A 95, 013612 (2017).


  1. T. Kanazawa, S. Uchino
    Overscreened Kondo effect, (color) superconductivity and Shiba states in Dirac metals and quark matter
    Physical Review D 94, 114005 (2016).
  2. S. Uchino
    Analytical approach to a bosonic ladder subject to a magnetic field
    Physical Review A 93, 053629 (2016).


  1. D. Husmann, S. Uchino, S. Krinner, M. Lebrat, T. Giamarchi, T. Esslinger, J. P. Brantut
    Connecting strongly correlated superfluids by a quantum point contact
    Science 350, 1498 (2015).
  2. S. Uchino, A. Tokuno
    Population-imbalance instability in a Bose-Hubbard ladder in the presence of a magnetic flux
    Physical Review A 92, 013625 (2015).
  3. S. Uchino
    Spinor Bose gas in an elongated trap
    Physical Review A 91, 033605, (2015).
  4. S. Uchino, T. Giamarchi
    Two-leg fermionic Hubbard ladder model in the presence of state-dependent hopping
    Physical Review A 91, 013604, (2015).


  1. M. Nitta, S. Uchino, W. Vinci
    Quantum exact non-abelian vortices in non-relativistic theories
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2014, 098, (2014).
  2. S. Uchino
    Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
    Europhysics Letters 107, 30004, (2014).
  3. S. Uchino, A. Tokuno, T. Giamarchi
    Unconventional superfluidity in quasi-one-dimensional systems
    Physical Review A 89, 023623, (2014).


  1. B. Sciolla, A. Tokuno, S. Uchino, P. Barmettler, T. Giamarchi, C. Kollath
    Competition of spin and charge excitations in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
    Physical Review A 88, 063629, (2013).
  2. A. Tokuno, S. Uchino
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and characterization of magnetic phases for spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
    Physical Review A Rapid Communication 87, 061604, (2013).


  1. S. Uchino, N. Kawakami
    Spin-depairing transition of attractive Fermi gases on a ring driven by synthetic gauge fields
    Physical Review A 85, 013610, (2012).


  1. Y. Hama, T. Hatsuda, S. Uchino
    Higgs mechanism with type-II Nambu Goldstone bosons at finite chemical potential
    Physical Review D 83, 125009, (2011).


  1. S. Uchino, M. Kobayashi, M. Nitta, M. Ueda
    Quasi-Nambu-Goldstone modes in Bose-Einstein condensates
    Physical Review Letters 105, 230406, (2010).
  2. S. Uchino, M. Kobayashi, M. Ueda
    Bogoliubov theory and Lee-Huang-Yang corrections in spin-1 and spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of the quadratic Zeeman Effect
    Physical Review A 81, 063632, (2010).


  1. S. Uchino, T. Otsuka, M. Ueda
    Dynamical symmetry in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
    Physical Review A 78, 023609, (2008).